The Rentstart SleepOut

15/11/24 Esher Rugby Club

What is the Rentstart SleepOut?

The SleepOut is many things. It’s a fundraiser. It’s an immersive experience. It’s community coming together. It’s a celebration. It’s a sobering reminder.

One night spent sleeping in cardboard boxes. In the winter. On concrete.

This is more than a one-off token gesture. In the middle of your sleepout you will begin to think - think INSIDE the box. You will be taking part to change lives, and it may well be that your life is also changed…

How does it work?

When you arrive with your sleeping bag and warm clothes, you will be given some cardboard boxes. This is your home for the night. Slowly, a temporary village will emerge, a village full of people who have given up one night of comfort to make life better for someone they will probably never meet.

There will be food, drink, music and spoken word. You will be inspired, challenged and enthused about the work that has gone before to help local people facing homelessness, and how your act will help those in the future who find themselves in that place.

At midnight, everything stops, the lights go out, and it’s you and your thoughts in a box for 6 hours.

If you sleep, well done!

In the morning, after a coffee, you pack up your home, and make your way home, grateful that you have the opportunity to do so, and safe in the knowledge that transformative work will change lives for the better.

How do I sign up?

How do I fundraise?

Set up your Just Giving page, add some words and pictures, and share what you are doing with everyone you know - tell them what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Prepare for the night - What to expect


Click the image!

For more info or help you can email Andy at