Fundraising tips
1. Share regular updates
The more you keep people updated on your progress, the more they will notice that you really care about completing the challenge and supporting us.
It may also serve as regular reminders for people to donate who had spotted an earlier update and forgotten about it.
2. Use images and/or videos
Images and videos are really affective ways of engaging people. Firstly, they are a lot more noticeable in digital spaces than text. Secondly, they will draw more emotional connection to your update. A picture paints a thousand words, right?
3. Ask
Don’t shy away from asking for money. It feels awkward, but you’re doing this because you believe that our work is worth people donating to. A confidence in your ask for support will help to convey this belief. It will also encourage more people to consider giving.
4. Communicate what the money will do
Think about the reason that you want to fundraise for us, and get that across to the people looking at your updates.
Every year Rentstart houses around 150 local people into quality private rented sector housing. Crucially we then provide ongoing support to help our clients stay housed. Over 40% of our clients have been sleeping rough, and many have issues with their mental health or are struggling with addiction. Covid-19 has put an extra strain on our work. Not only have we continued to house rough sleepers, but we are still supporting over 100 clients that we have housed in previous years, who have experienced significant issues with isolation and faltering mental health over the last year.
We are proud of how we can help our clients to transform their lives. We help people to seek work, training and education, alongside teaching core life skills such as money management and how to live successfully in a shared property.
Your donation will directly support us in our goal of ending the cycle of local homelessness.
For more information and statistics, have a look at our annual report.
Please feel free to share the below video for a personal account of our help from one of our clients.