Work Experience at Rentstart

I started my work experience with Rentstart on the 19th of July and continued till the 22nd of July. I was recommended to contact Rentstart for work experience by my head of sixth form who knew about the charity through work that my school does to support them.

Rentstart is a charity whose purpose is to support people who are homeless or vulnerably housed by providing accommodation and helping them develop their futures. Each day I met with the different members of their team where they discussed what their role was and how they helped those that they provided services to and on the 21st, I sat in on their meetings to listen in on what they discussed during these.

My time at Rentstart was extremely interesting as I was able to learn a lot about the charity and how it works including the different roles that people have which make everything run smoothly.

Throughout my time at Rentstart, I worked on a project titled Rentstart’s Youth Ambassadors: How to Engage Young People in the Fight Against Homelessness. In this project I researched different charities who focus on helping/supporting homeless people and the strategies used to do this. I also researched ways on how to promote and appeal to the youth and try to get them involved with Rentstart through different mediums such as social media or events that young people attend. Some of the suggestions that I made on how to raise funds/get young people involved are doing things such as gaming livestreams, sleep out events, walkathons, quizzes etc.



It was my mum, my grandma, and the queen.


Ruth’s Rentstart volunteering experiences